
Davor Budimir

Co-founder/Creative director
Vokabula - Centar za njemački jezik

Bilateral Meetings

  • Tuesday 15:00 - 18:00
DescriptionWe're modern language school specialised in German language only. We host internationally recognised Goethe-Institute language exams in our school and we provide high quality translation solutions.
Organization Type Company
Areas of Activities

Education and professional literature


    Fast and reliable translation services

    Our team with years of experience will help your company connect with local market so you can achieve business goals more smoothly. Together, we will help you easily connect with local companies located in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro. We'll do that by simultaneous interpretation and translation of documents you need (NDA implies).

    We're always looking for new challenges to expand our current business possibilities therefore feel free to connect with us for any future business deals.

    Keywords: translationgermanlanguageservicendacroatiansimultaneous interpretation
    Cooperation Offered
    1. Technical co-operation
    2. Outsourcing co-operation
    3. License agreement
    4. Manufacturing agreement
    5. Sales / Distribution
    6. Investment/Financing
    7. Other